Unit 4 - Perspective
Current Project: Charcoal Self-Portrait in Perspective (click here for the project rubric.)Objectives: Create a self-portrait in charcoal pencil with the following:
- Correctly utilize sightlines and measurements to make the face proportional.
- Use a full 0-9 value scale for the values of the portrait.
- Create the different textures of the face, hair, and background using different charcoal techniques.
- Demonstrate a full understanding of how to use charcoal pencils.
- Monday-Tuesday: Complete the graphite reduction drawings of the fortune cookies
- Wednesday-Thursday: Introduce self-portraits. Begin charcoal pencil mini-labs. Begin self-portrait.
- Friday: Journal Day!
Homework: Make a full gesture drawing of a glass bottle each day. Use pen! Include value with the pen. Think about how to use your cross-contours. Due by next monday, 11/9.
Quote for the week: Artists today think of everything they do as a work of art. It is important to forget about what you are doing.. then a work of art may happen. - Andrew Wyeth
VVJ assignment: Using any book you are currently reading - randomly write down three sentences. Make three 2-page spread about the sentence. The sentence will dictate color choice, line quality, and imagery. It should NOT relate to the story you are reading - in other words, do not illustrate what you are reading. You must include the sentence in the pages. Due November 2nd.
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