Unit 2 - Value to Model Form
Current Project: Graphite Reduction Fortune Cookies (click here for the project rubric.)Objectives: Create a 9x12 graphite drawing with the following:
- Use value to create the form of fortune cookies.
- Correctly apply and create a graphite reduction drawing with 0-9 values.
- Create composition with visual movement.
- Correctly use different erases to create dense shadows and crisp edges of the still life objects.
- Monday: Demo how to use graphite reduction and erasers while creating a still life. Make a thumbnail to compose your fortune cookie drawing.
- Tuesday - Thursday: Work on fortune cookie drawings.
- Friday: Journal Day!
Homework: make a ten minute gestural drawing of any type of glass bottle. You should have 5 drawings by next monday, 10/26.
Quote for the week: That's the terrible thing: the more one works on a picture, the more impossible it becomes to finish it. - Alberto Giacometti
VVJ assignment: Using any book you are currently reading - randomly write down three sentences. Make three 2-page spread about the sentence. The sentence will dictate color choice, line quality, and imagery. It should NOT relate to the story you are reading - in other words, do not illustrate what you are reading. You must include the sentence in the pages. Due October 29th.
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