Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 9 - 13

Unit 4 - Perspective
Current Project
: Charcoal Self-Portrait in Perspective (click here for the project rubric.)
Objectives: Create a self-portrait in charcoal pencil with the following:
  • Correctly utilize sightlines and measurements to make the face proportional.
  • Use a full 0-9 value scale for the values of the portrait.
  • Create the different textures of the face, hair, and background using different charcoal techniques.
  • Demonstrate a full understanding of how to use charcoal pencils.
  • Monday-Thursday: Work on self-portraits.
  • Thursday: Value Test to be completed in class.
  • Friday: Journal Day!
Homework: Make a full gesture drawing of of parts of your face each day. Use pen! Include value with the pen. Think about how to use your cross-contours. Due by next monday, 11/16.

Quote for the week: I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. -Joan Miro

VVJ assignment: What is negative space? On three double-page spreads, draw the negative space of at least two objects per page. For example, set up two stools and draw the negative space of the stools on one double-page spread. For next page, choose two other objects and for the final page, choose a different pair of objects. Now think about what is negative space. Write down three different definitions - make them personal. For example, "walking between classes in the hallways is a negative space b/c it is so hard to get where I am going and I would rather be going someplace else." For each statement, create an appropriate background and write in the text.

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