Unit 2 - Value to Model Form
- Current Project: Value Drawings of paper sculpture using value to create implied linesObjectives: Create a pencil drawing with the following:
- Using a value scale from 0-9 in overlapping and crosshatched value while controlling the transition between values.
- Correctly use pencils from HB to 6B for proper values
- Use value in negative space to create the outline contours of torn paper edges
- Use implied lines of the objects in the drawing to create a strong composition
- Monday: Demo on using sightlines and units of measure. Work on paper sculpture drawing.
- Tuesday: Work on paper sculpture drawing.
- Wednesday:Work on paper sculpture drawing and/or journal.
- Thursday: Last day to work on paper sculpture drawing in class.
- Friday: Teacher Workday.
Homework: Make 5 minute gestural drawing of your plate setting after dinner each night. You should have 4 drawings by next monday, October 12th.
Quote for the Week: The problem with the youth of today' is that one is no longer part of it. - Salvador Dali
VVJ assignment: Begin 5 double-pages using activated backgrounds made with windows and brayers. The pages need to be connected by subject and drawing techniques. The subject can be an object or a person. Include a reflection on the subject of the pages. Pages are due on Monday, October 12.
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