Sunday, September 27, 2009

October 5 - 9

Unit 2 - Value to Model Form
  • Current Project: Value Drawings of paper sculpture using value to create implied lines
    Objectives: Create a pencil drawing with the following:
    • Using a value scale from 0-9 in overlapping and crosshatched value while controlling the transition between values.
    • Correctly use pencils from HB to 6B for proper values
    • Use value in negative space to create the outline contours of torn paper edges
    • Use implied lines of the objects in the drawing to create a strong composition
  • Monday: Demo on using sightlines and units of measure. Work on paper sculpture drawing.
  • Tuesday: Work on paper sculpture drawing.
  • Wednesday:Work on paper sculpture drawing and/or journal.
  • Thursday: Last day to work on paper sculpture drawing in class.
  • Friday: Teacher Workday.
Homework: Make 5 minute gestural drawing of your plate setting after dinner each night. You should have 4 drawings by next monday, October 12th.

Quote for the Week: The problem with the youth of today' is that one is no longer part of it. - Salvador Dali

VVJ assignment: Begin 5 double-pages using activated backgrounds made with windows and brayers. The pages need to be connected by subject and drawing techniques. The subject can be an object or a person. Include a reflection on the subject of the pages. Pages are due on Monday, October 12.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 28 - October 2

Unit 2 - Value to Model Form
  • Current Project: Value Drawings of paper sculpture using value to create implied lines
    Objectives: Create a pencil drawing with the following:
    • Using a value scale from 0-9 in overlapping and crosshatched value while controlling the transition between values.
    • Correctly use pencils to create proper values
    • Use value in negative space to create the outline contours of torn paper edges
    • Use implied lines of the objects in the drawing to create a strong composition

  • Monday: Make a value sphere using only line and an sharp HB pencil. Create a paper sculpture to draw from for the week. Homework is due (15 drawings total)
  • Tuesday: Complete the value sphere. Begin modified contour thumbnails of your paper sculptures. Expressive Hands are due!
  • Wednesday & Thursday: Work on Value Sculpture drawing.
  • Friday: Journal Day.

VVJ assignment: Begin 5 double-pages using activated backgrounds made with windows and brayers. The pages need to be connected by subject and drawing techniques. The subject can be an object or a person. Include a reflection on the subject of the pages. Pages are due on Monday, October 12.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Contour Hand Project

This is the power point on drawing expressive hands. To enter slideshow, click on full screen and then ESC to return to this screen.

September 21 - 25

Unit 2 - Value to Model Form
Current Project
: Value Drawings of paper sculpture using value to create implied lines
Objectives: Create a pencil drawing with the following:
  • Using a value scale from 0-9 in overlapping and crosshatched value while controlling the transition between values.
  • Correctly use pencils from HB to 6B for proper values
  • Use value in negative space to create the outline contours of torn paper edges
  • Use implied lines of the objects in the drawing to create a strong composition

Homework for the week: 3 two-minute modified contours a day of any object of your choice. A total of 15 drawings is due on Monday, Sept. 28.
  • Monday: Continue working on Expressive Hands. Homework is due (15 drawings total)
  • Tuesday: Critique Hand drawings. Complete drawings. Last day to work on hands in class.Expressive Hand drawings are due on Monday, 9/28.
  • Wednesday: Introduce value sculpture drawing. Begin creating value sculpture. Make a value sphere using cross-hatching and stippling for value with not blending.
  • Thursday: Make thumbnails of the paper sculpture and begin value drawing.
  • Friday: Journal Day.

VVJ assignment: Begin 5 double-pages using activated backgrounds made with windows and brayers. The pages need to be connected by subject and drawing techniques. The subject can be an object or a person. Include a reflection on the subject of the pages. Pages are due on Thursday, October 1.

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 14 - 18

Unit 1 - Contour and Composition
Current Project
: Expressive Hands using Contour Lines
Objectives: Create an 12 x 18 drawing with the following:
  • Use outline contour and cross-contour to draw hands realistically
  • Overlap different views of the hand to create a composition with visual movement
  • The different views of the hand must include have at least 5 different views with no symbols created by the hands
  • creatively use mixed media to help create visual movement

Homework for the week: Eggs! Monday, make 3 2-minute blind contour drawings of two eggs, include shadows. Tuesday, make 3 2-minute modified contour drawings of three eggs including shadows. Wednesday, make a contour outline and cross-contour drawing of three eggs with shadows. Thursday and Friday, make value drawing of three eggs with shadows.
  • Monday: Warm-up drawing. Begin contour line drawings of hands overlapping. Homework is due (15 drawings total)
  • Tuesday: Warm-up drawing. Work on contour line drawings.
  • Wednesday: Warm-up drawings. Complete contour line drawings.
  • Thursday: Make a paper sculpture with torn and cut edges. Introduce next project VVJ pages for webquest are due (2 pages).
  • Friday: Journal Day.

VVJ assignment: Begin 5 double-pages using activated backgrounds made with windows and brayers. The pages need to be connected by subject and drawing techniques. The subject can be an object or a person. Include a reflection on the subject of the pages. Pages are due on Thursday, October 1.

September 8 - 11

Unit 1 - Contour and Composition
Current Project
: Introduction to Drawing Techniques
Objectives: Create a 18 x 24 composite design with the following:
  • An object drawn using the following techniques: mass gesture; contour; cross-contour; hatching; cross-hatching; value drawing; stippling; value collage; high-contrast
  • Use proper drawing techniques and media for each drawing
  • Compose the nine 6 x 8 drawings to create pattern and rhythm in the overall design

Homework for the week: Make 3 2-minute modified contour of a paper bag. (Each day crumple the bag.) These drawings should be in your journals.
  • Monday: HOLIDAY.
  • Tuesday: Homework is due (15 drawings total). Complete the final drawings.
  • Wednesday: Discuss how to compose the 9 drawing composition and how to mount the drawings.
  • Thursday: Class critique of Intro to Drawing Techniques. Introduce next project - contour hand drawings. VVJ pages for drawing techniques are due (3 pages).
  • Friday: Journal Day. Complete Webquest Journal pages using the last two remaining activated pages.

VVJ assignment: Using your last two activated double-page spreads, complete the webquest journal entries. (1) For the first research, create a page using a journal example and an artist's work example within the page. Make the images a part of the background. Include your research and reflections about the connections between journaling and finished work. (2) For your second page, choose one of the three pages you critiqued and create a response page to the artist. You can RECREATE an image, but CAN NOT use the actual images. Recreate a mixed media technique from the artists' pages. Include your INTERPRETATION and JUDGMENT statements from your second research. Pages are due on Thursday, September 17.

My Power Points Online